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Make Money Anywhere: Get Paid for Reviewing Apps on the Go!

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작성자 Deangelo 작성일24-07-18 17:44 조회6회 댓글0건


Make Money Anywhere: Get Paid for Reviewing Apps on the Go!
1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to provide information on the job of an app reviewer, including the benefits of the job and how anyone looking to earn some extra money can get started. Reviewing games and apps on mobile devices has become very popular in the last few years. Many companies are releasing new applications and are looking for constructive feedback to improve their products. Some companies may release an app in a specific region or country and will therefore need someone from that region to give the feedback. This can make app reviewing an appealing job for many different people.
App reviewing is the job of testing apps on mobile devices and submitting feedback to the company who developed the app. It is similar to beta testing a product and is often done before the app is released to the public. An app reviewer will test features of an app and look for functionality problems, they will also assess the app's usability and may compare it to similar apps in the same category. Feedback is generally submitted in a written format and may require the reviewer to answer specific questions provided by the company. It is important for a reviewer to provide honest feedback and to back up any criticisms or suggestions that they make. An app may be assigned to a reviewer or they may choose to review it themselves.
1.1 Overview of app reviewing
App reviewing is a way of testing the functionality of new portable devices known as mobile phones, tablets, and smartwatches. It is a way that technology companies like Apple and Google can use to determine the quality of new applications that they have created. The main goal of app reviewing is to identify any glaring problems or bugs that can afford an app a rejection from the store. App reviewing can span from reviewing an app on a certain aspect of its functionality, or doing a complete review and analysis of the app. The very first step in testing an app is identifying the purpose and how it's supposed to function. Usually if it's unclear how an app is supposed to work, that can be considered a bug in itself. After identifying what a program is supposed to do, the reviewer can identify the functional areas and Begin earning passive income by reviewing apps - click here now! to test if the app does indeed fulfill what it was intended to do. If there are no problems at this point, the next phase is to simply use the app and identify any problems or crashes. This process can take a significantly long time if an app is complex and/or has many features. It is not uncommon for an app review to last several days.
1.2 Benefits of reviewing apps
The app industry is still a growing market. Since the idea of using apps (especially ones that are not social media) to generate pocket money is relatively new, the ratio of app users to app testers is quite high. This means now is the best time to get into app testing and tap into the full earning potential. Due to the high demand for app reviews, anyone beginning app testing now and doing a good job of it should expect a secure stream of income testing apps.
Everyone has had the feeling of trying to come up with something to do to pass the time that is fun and productive. Whether it's in a waiting room, on public transportation, or a rainy day indoors, app reviewing can be a rewarding way to fill any moment where you'd be looking for something to do. Since you can test apps any time of day you have free time, it is a convenient way to earn some extra money.
Flexibility is one of the great benefits of app reviewing. Because of the nature of app testing, there is no upper or lower limit to the amount of evaluations you can do in a day. So whether you are reviewing part-time or full time, there is potential to make as much money as you need at any time.
1.3 How to get started
Go to the iOS app store and download the "Viggle" app. This will allow you to acquire gift cards that can be used to redeem iTunes credit. You must try to log in for at least 30 days to get a feel for it, though you may stop after this period of time. This app is used to acquire iTunes and Starbucks gift cards but can be time-consuming when trying to receive a small reward. You can use this app as often as you like just by checking in to what TV programs you are watching.
The second method can be done through your computer if you have a mic and access to the internet. Go to goTranscript.com and apply to become a transcriber. Once you are accepted, it does not take much time before you will be sent an email containing an activation link for your account. Click on the link and log in to your account. Afterwards, click on "jobs" and then "taking the test". You will see an option to take the test for either a transcriber or a writer. Feel free to take the transcriber test to help increase your chances of being accepted. The test usually takes about 5-10 minutes but there is no time limit. The amount of money you will receive can vary from $0.6-0.75 per audio minute which comes to about $10-25 an audio hour, and once you get the hang of it you could easily make around $10 a day.
2. Best Practices for App Reviews
Reviews are the backbone of the site. They carry most of the weight for acceptance or rejection. Users viewing the App Store market are in the mind frame of decision making. A user will be more inclined to read a review than they would to read an app description. Through an increased knowledge of best practices for reviewing, a user can increase their acceptance rate. A user's reviews should always be written with the truth in mind, being honest is the number one key to a good review. Deceiving a user about the quality of an application will only lead to a bad comment or rating which will be hard to justify or erase. Considering the amount of time it takes to write a review, writing reviews for higher quality apps will be more time efficient. This means before starting a review it is important to ensure the application meets a certain quality standard. Always keep in mind the strengths and weaknesses of an app. Making a simple pros and cons list for the app can help with writing an organized and informative review. An app's target audience is important when considering what the review should contain. If an app is targeted for a younger audience, a light-hearted tone with simplicity will be better. If a review is well done, it is likely the app creator will read and comment on the review. This is a chance to convey ways the app can be improved. Always end on a positive note, never leaving a negative vibe from the review.
2.1 Importance of honesty and objectivity
There are many factors that contribute to a good app review, and the main one starts with the reviewer themselves. It is important that the review boils down to the writer's actual thoughts and ideas and that they do not bend those thoughts for any outside causes. In order to provide an unbiased and truthful review, the reviewer must distance themselves from being a fan or a critique of the specific type of app he/she is reviewing. This allows for the reviewer to be more open-minded and provide a review with less bias. A good method of providing an objective review is to rate all apps based on similar objectives, values, and criteria. This allows for better comparison between apps and provides a more solid conclusion on how the app measures up in the end.
Another area of importance in any review is the language used. It is especially important in an app review to use simple and straightforward language so that readers can understand the content of the review. This includes clear explanation of any technical terms used in the app and a breakdown of the effects and functions they have. Jargon is to be avoided as much as possible as it can confuse users and steer them away from continuing to use the app. Any and all criticisms must be constructive. Any negative analysis of the app must come with a means that the app can use to improve the mentioned issue and an explanation of how the app and user can benefit by bringing about that change. This provides a stronger value to the app developer and the app user.
2.2 Tips for writing informative reviews
Ensure that the review deals with the software program itself. Reviews that compare one software to another are very helpful, but you need to have a good understanding of the software you are comparing it to. Focus just on the item you are reviewing to be fair.
Do your best to write an objective review. A review is only useful if it is as unbiased as possible. This is a hard thing to do - consumers are coming to your review to get your opinion, but your opinion should be based on the true merit of the product. Think about the features of the product that you do not like, and possible users of the product who would still find the product useful even if it did not suit your needs. If you'd like to comment about the opinion-based nature of your article, it is useful to disclose this information to make a clear separation from factual information in your reader's mind.
2.3 Understanding the target audience
The target audience for app reviews is comprised of two distinct groups. The first group is comprised of the app developers themselves. These individuals are interested in learning about the strengths and weaknesses of their apps. Developers are greatly concerned with the comments of the reviewers. They actively seek out feedback on their products so that they can make improvements. Understanding the perspectives of the developers helps reviewers write more effective and relevant reviews. The second group of people that comprise the app review target audience are those who have not yet downloaded the app in question. These individuals are seeking useful information to help them decide whether or not to try out the app. This information usually pertains to the functionality and desirability of the app. This group of readers is typically less concerned with technical details about an app and more interested in the practical aspects of the app and how it pertains to them. Reviewers can greatly aid this type of audience by evaluating the given app with respect to its purpose and the likely motivations of the potential app user. By tailoring reviews to be most relevant to these two target audiences, reviewers can increase the value of their reviews to others.
2.4 Avoiding biased reviews
A review on the Play Store titled "This app is amazing!" with a five-star rating doesn't really provide any valuable feedback. The app might be truly amazing and deserving of five stars, but without further justification, the review is useless.
The author of that review might be a genuinely happy customer who loves the app. But they might also be the developer's mom trying to boost sales. The problem with biased reviews is it's hard to tell the difference between someone who is genuinely pleased with the app and someone who was incentivized to write a positive review.
It's important for reviewers to be honest and objective, but in some cases, added incentive can cloud judgment and lead to glowing reviews of lackluster apps. An offer of money or a free app to change a negative review to a positive one is ample fuel for bias. Some reviewers have been given the app for free at the request that they review it, when the review is negative, the developer's response is often "If you change the review to a positive one, I'll give you a free copy of the full version." Free stuff isn't always free, don't fall into the debt of obligation.
If you're just reviewing apps for a bit of extra cash and really don't care about how well it works, please stop. Your heart isn't in it, and you're just adding to the pile of biased reviews.
3. Maximizing Earnings as an App Reviewer
Before taking the first step into the realm of professional app reviewing, it is important to understand that different platforms offer different rates of pay (if any). Google and Apple app stores both have a user review section under each app. Google's Play store used to reward those who reviewed and rated apps through a point system. Users would have to review many apps before seeing any substantial amount of points. This is not a viable method of making money due to the time and effort put in not equaling the reward given. Apple app store offers a payout of $1 per app review. At that rate, $5 can be made after a 5-6 hour day; an unsustainable wage. Various online job advertisers/offers also fall into this category with many ads displaying a substantial rate of pay with very little effort and time required but do not deliver. An example of this type of offer is someone wanting an app reviewed on an app store and offering $5 via PayPal. The steps the reviewer would have to go through to find this job, receive the payment and leave their review would be highly disproportionate to the reward. A far more worthwhile venture is reviewing apps for interactive websites where app developers will request your review and provide you with a complimentary voucher to download their app. These vouchers are commonly valued at the full price of the app and have been known to grant reviewers early access to unreleased apps. This method of app review trade will be covered in further depth in section 3.3.
3.1 Exploring different app review platforms
This is easier than the other recommendations. There are always updated low-quality renditions of popular games and apps, and there are games or apps from developers who are trying to emulate what is popular. These games or apps can have humorous reviews or can serve as a warning for the consumer, and these types of apps are easy to identify. Step 4: Remain Willing to Change Focus.
With the concept of an app or game in mind, there is always a consumer or user that feels the same needs for different applications. A level of compare and contrast can be performed with an app or game in a specific or popular niche. This can be difficult to find with a search bar, so it can be a task assigned by browsing. Step 3: Identify Odd or Low-Quality Creations.
There is a certain level of subjectivity when it comes to defining the quality of a game or app. This is largely based on what is mainstream or popular, the perceived level of graphics, and the interface. For games and apps at any given time, there is a top and grossing list, as well as an overall all-time popular list. This is a good start, but some high-end games and apps can be obscure or lose their relevance. These games and apps that are obscure but high in quality are what reviewers are looking to identify. This task can require sifting through many apps and games that clearly do not meet the criteria, and it may also be hard to decipher what would make a good review. An expedited method for finding quality games and apps is searching for app developers or companies that have a reputation for quality applications and reviewing their products. High-quality products are often representative of companies that will frequently update apps, provide new apps, or have a large portfolio that can be reviewed. Step 2: Identifying Similar but Lesser-Known Games and Apps.
Exploring different app review platforms can be an arduous task. When analysts conduct compare and contrast analysis on companies in a similar industry, they often focus on similar metrics and strengths and weaknesses, such as companies in different industries that provide the same medium. Hindered by a lack of information provided by content hosting sites, analysts are forced to run the same gauntlet to identify what variables are hard-hitting and those that are a waste of time. This can cause misallocation of resources. Instead of taking a leap of faith into an analysis, look for charts or ratings provided via their blog or an outside source. For example, Crunchyroll's ranking is displayed here. Step 1: Identifying High-End Games and Apps.
3.2 Building a reputation as a reliable reviewer
Always ask at the end of a review if there is any more work to be done. Some developers may have multiple apps that they would like you to review at a later date. Others may be working on updates and will want to hire you to review the latest improvements to their app. Asking for more work is a good way to make contacts with the more professional developers.
Networking is a more subtle approach to gaining work. It is said that "It's not what you know, it's who you know." This holds true. Having a more personal approach with some of the app developers and remembering those who have been pleasant to work with will benefit you when it comes to receiving work from higher paying job sites. Make a list of the people who you have worked for that you find to be the more professional and higher paying contractors. This brings us to the next point.
A good review will be asked to be repeated. Now that you have an account and are registered with a site, continue to review apps that are posted. The better your reviews, the more doors will open for you. As the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect." You should be constantly looking to find ways to improve your feedback on the app's performance. This will further increase demand for your review writing skills.
3.3 Negotiating payment rates
When it comes to discussing payment with clients, it is wise to do this before working to avoid any miscommunications and misunderstandings about rates. Make sure that you are clear about what you will be paid to review apps - some apps may be worth more than others depending on their functionality or how popular the app is. If you are not being offered an app or in-app purchase, make sure that this is stated in the job description, as you will want to download and review the app completely, not just to the point of getting a general idea of what it does. Most of the time, you will get offers from app owners who want you to review their app and will simply agree to pay you the same rate that you would get if downloading an app from a platform. In this case, make sure that the app is still available from the platform, as you will need the direct link to the app to write a review. Occasionally, you will get offers from app owners who want a review posted on your app review website or blog. This can be a good paying job, but you need to make sure that you are being offered fair compensation for the amount of work that will go into writing a quality app review.
If you have a price already set in your mind, make sure that the client's offer is close to your set price. However, you may need to lower your price if you are just starting out. To provide a quantitative though highly subjective analysis, rates for writing a full app review can be between $5 to $15 per review, with some saying that it can go up to $20 per review. Ultimately, it is up to you and what you think your time is worth.
One last thing to consider when negotiating payment rates is the potential for long-term work, as app reviewing can become a steady side job.
3.4 Expanding your review portfolio
Now that you have experience and earning potential as an app reviewer, you can start to expand your portfolio and earn even more. One advantageous step any reviewer can take is to become a beta tester. New apps or updates are often released in beta form to iron out any problems before full release. By testing these apps, you can often keep them for free at the end. If you are testing an update for an existing app, this is an ideal opportunity to get a higher paying review. If a developer already knows you and the app has got a good history, they may ask you to do a short review of the changes rather than a full review of the entire app.
Another idea is to become a writer. If you have a good working relationship with a developer and have done a few reviews for them, you can simply offer to write the description or promo text for the app. They know their app and what they want to convey, but many are not confident writers. If you can write well, this is a much easier and better paid task than a review. I earned my highest ever app related pay for a single hour's work once when, after doing a review, I offered to redo the app description and name for a larger app; they wanted to move away from simply naming the app after itself and I was able to come up with a much better name and description.
If you are skilled in any form of multimedia, offer your services creating a video or audio review. These are becoming more popular but many developers are wary of spending money and getting a poor quality result. If you have an established relationship with a developer, they will likely trust you to do a good job at a low price. Remember, there is nothing to stop you charging extra for employing your voice acting services!
4. Staying Up-to-Date with App Trends
Following app industry news is a simple and effective way to stay informed about the current state of the app industry. News articles can provide information about new apps, or new trends that are emerging for certain types of apps. News can be found through a variety of sources, such as news websites, or posts in app developer forums. Any type of news regarding new apps is useful to an app reviewer, as it gives them ideas on what apps to review. Many app developers write their own development blogs and app reviewers can often directly contact the developer of specific apps for a chance to test them. Often, developers will give a copy of their app to the reviewer for free, and in some instances, the developer may even pay the reviewer to review their app. This is beneficial to the developer because the reviewer is providing the developer with feedback, and the developer can use the reviewer's testimonial to promote his or her app. This is a simple method because the reviewer is using apps that they would be testing anyways, but in some cases, the reviewer will receive pay for their services.
The app industry is fast-changing, with new apps being released daily. As such, catching new app trends can be a daunting task, but keeping up with these trends is imperative to the success of an app reviewer. Reviewing outdated apps isn't very beneficial to the developer or the reviewer, as the app may no longer be supported by the developer, or the app may have become irrelevant to the app's target audience. But fear not, there are many effective methods in staying up-to-date with app trends.
4.1 Following app industry news
To stay on the cutting edge of the application world, it is important to stay current with trending applications and published news revolving around apps. Know what apps are trending, what they do, and why they are so well liked. Understand the app and its function, as well as how the app is received by the general public. If it is a widely received app, it is likely to have published news in the form of app reviews and analyst reports. Knowing as much as possible about an app and the public reception of said app will make it easier to make a call on whether to review the app in question. Finally, should published news about an app be positive and the app being highly praised, consider looking for that app and reviewing it right away. Usually they are in high demand and an early review will drive a lot of traffic with increased app usage.
Another important aspect of reviewing apps on the side is doing it as they are released and while they are "hot". Many people have a criteria for trying out new apps to see if they are worth keeping. Sometimes it is purely luck that the app be tested out by an app reviewer while it is on the phone of another person. While reviewing an app that someone else is currently trying out, it may be a good idea to push to get the review out quickly before losing track of what the app does and how good it is. A person updating a pen and paper blog should take note to bring the paper around and update the blog while the app is being used in various locations. If you have an app reviewing website that allows mobile submission of articles, write and submit articles while on the go. The more "on the go" activity an app reviewer can see while reviewing an app, the more the reviewer is living up to an "app lifestyle".
4.2 Participating in app testing programs
With the Lookout Mobile Security App, for instance, you can earn $25-$150 for a review of one of their sponsored apps. Earnings vary based on how well your review determines customer interest in the app. Another site, MyAppAware, has a large selection of app-specific quests. A quest pays anywhere between $0.50-$15 for a detailed review and there is sometimes a follow-up survey. Prices are based on the app owners' requests and your review quality. This site can provide a continuous stream of work and there are often new quests available that can be reserved for a later date. This is just a small sample of the app testing possibilities, by searching around you're likely to find an interesting test for an app you'd like to try.
So far, we've focused on tasks that can be completed on your own. However, if you're interested in a more involved way of making a contribution and possibly earning some mobile apps, then you might consider participating in an app testing program. Many developers will pay 3rd party testers to use their app and write a review. This is often the case with newer apps, which can't afford extensive advertising and thus rely on the quality of reviews to spread the word. Obviously, a well-written review can result in a high payment; however, this task requires a higher level of commitment than simply writing a review at your leisure and there is no guarantee that you'll like the app. Each test generally pays more than a typical review, but there are usually a limited number of spaces and a limit on the number of tests a tester can participate in, so you may not have a continuous stream of work.
4.3 Networking with fellow app reviewers
Lastly, it is important to stay in contact with others that are involved with the same mobile platform as you. This primarily pertains to app development communities. Participating in app beta tests often leads to making connections with the developers, and you will find that many times it's the developers who actually seek you out asking for a review. If you are efficient at app promotion, they may even offer you paid opportunities.
Second, you should consider attending industry events such as E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), or the various gaming/technology conventions. Even though these events are not directly related to app reviewing, they are filled with publishers and other media that have similar interests. It can never hurt to make connections, and talk with people in the industry.
Networking with other app reviewers is a great way to share ideas and to keep up-to-date with the industry. Here are a few ways to do this. First, if you find a reviewer that you respect, check their blog often and keep updated with their posts. In addition, you may find that it would be beneficial to befriend some of the more vocal and intelligent commenters. However, don't be pushy. App reviewing is a small world, and it's very easy to get a bad reputation. Keep your distance, and if you make contact, make it worth their while.
Activity 4.3: Networking with fellow app reviewers


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